The Seven Wonders of Fourth Year: A Success Guide

Happy Spooky Season folks! In honor of both Halloween and tonight’s episode of American Horror Story, as well as my newfound free time as a fourth year, I decided that I’m going to share my secrets for attaining Supreme status in medical school. Listed below are the Seven Wonders, seven acts so advanced, each pushes the boundaries of craft into art.

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Riding the Palewave

Hey everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve written a style guide. I wanted to focus today’s post on a trend called Palewave, which as the name implies, has something to do with light colors.

According to this Palewave guide from OnPointFresh:

“Palewave is a very popular aesthetic that typically starts to gain more and more traction as summer starts to hit. Palewave centers around muted and pale colors with a very relaxed and comfy vibe. One of the main draws of Palewave is that it is an aesthetic that can be had for quite cheap. So, if you’re looking for a new look this summer but money is tight, maybe give Palewave a try.”

Since they already give a guide for looks and inspiration, I wanted to center this post around where to find good Palewave pieces at a reasonable price point.


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Both my hoodie and my jeans are from Zara, which has a bunch of really nice pieces at very reasonable prices. I linked to some shirts on the website in nice pale blues, peaches, and pinks that work well for Palewave.

Additionally, Target recently started carrying a trendy private label brand called Goodfellow. I have a few pieces from there, including henleys and long sleeve shirts, but I really enjoy the fit and color of their t-shirts (and for under $10!). Just so you know that I’m not pushing them onto you, here’s one man’s honest review of their clothes. As I say all the time, you just have to find brands whose cut and color fit your body shape.

And as always, you already know about my love for Uniqlo <3, so here’s a video of someone’s Palewave haul.

If you’re already a pro Palewave surfer, I want to see your outfits! Be sure to stop by my Instagram and tag me in a post of your best look!

Photography: Yang’s Wear Abouts

– TS℞

JORD Wood Watches

Time Flies

“Time flies”

It’s a trite stock phrase we often hear around graduation time. Unfortunately, it’s all too true. Yesterday, I saw my brother graduate with his bachelor’s from arguably the best nursing school in the world, becoming my family’s first Ivy League graduate. I don’t think I can underscore enough what that means for us – the sons of immigrants who sacrificed everything to get me and my brother to where we are today. As proud as I am of his accomplishments, I can’t help but think of him as the little toddler that used to follow me around and bother me. Now that he’s all grown up, he’s on to bigger and better things like saving lives and stopping traffic to take pictures 😉  Where does the time go?

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Olive green bomber jacket from Uniqlo with Timex Waterbury Watch

Spring Transitions with Timex

I recently had the opportunity to collaborate with Timex to showcase their Waterbury timepiece, a classic and understated watch that is perfect for the spring.

Timex Waterbury watch with leather band
“Meet the next generation of classic. Our roots date back to 1854 in Waterbury, CT and this ageless style, with a meticulously stitched tan leather band, silver-tone steel case and cream dial, honors our heritage of pure craftsmanship and authentic watchmaking.”

Continue reading “Spring Transitions with Timex”

Clinician’s Closet: Tammarah

Happy National Women Physician Day! Today marks the birthday of Elizabeth Blackwell, the United States’ first woman physician. In 1849, Blackwell was accepted into medical school as a joke. While we have made great strides since then, the fight for equality still goes on. Read further to learn more about an amazing physician-to-be, my friend Tammarah.

National Women Physician Day

Continue reading “Clinician’s Closet: Tammarah”

New Year, New Routine

Happy New Year, folks!

I hope you had a wonderful and restful break filled and lots of quality time with your friends and family. I hope you also had some equally as important “me time,” a large component of which involves actually taking care of yourself. For medical students especially, self-care often falls to the bottom of our priority lists. However, it’s imperative that you make sure you’re carving out at least a few minutes a day for yourself.

One thing that I am trying to get serious about is a better morning routine. My friends know that I am pretty lazy and have a hard time getting out of bed. The inevitable rush leads to quick shower, some hair product to tame the mane, and maybe some lotion if I’m lucky. With January in full-blown winter mode + a v timely Christmas gift from Anthony, I consider myself a lucky guy!

Ever since joining Equinox and becoming that guy, Ant’s been obsessed with Kiehl’s. I saw it all over IG but wasn’t sure what the hype was about. I am now a fan. This post is NOT sponsored, I just want to show you some cool stuff!

The “Jeremyville – Healthy Skin for Him” Collection, which is pretty affordable for $26 at Nordstrom, comes in a cool box designed by Brooklyn-based artist, Jeremyville.

Kiehl's Healthy Skin for Him

Continue reading “New Year, New Routine”

Thrift, Fleas, and Vintage please!

The reason that I wanted to start a style blog in the first place was my love for thrifting. It became a hobby of mine when I started college and has been close to my heart ever since. This post has been a long time coming! Most of my friends know that I have a tendency to find ridiculously awesome pieces while thrifting, some of which I’ve already shared on my Instagram, while others have yet to make an appearance. Although I hand out ideas here and there, I have yet to compile my secrets for finding a great deal. Thanks to all of your pestering, I’m about to spill some piping hot tea, the first in a series of guides if you’re lucky.

Continue reading “Thrift, Fleas, and Vintage please!”


I’m writing to you from my new apartment! Minus living essentials like floor lamps, a dining set, and anything to sit on or store clothes in, I guess you can say that I’m full-fledged adult now. I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog with a personal post, but I especially wanted to reach out to my fellow medical students with this one.

I think I’m still having a hard time adjusting to M2 year. I’m still grappling with the notion that others look up to me as a role model and ask me for advice when I’m just trying to do the right thing for me. It’s scary, it’s intimidating, but it’s inevitable. The “sophomore” year of any point in your education is tough. You’re no longer the baby, but you’re also asked to grow up quickly.

Continue reading “Sophomore”

JORD Wood Watches | TheStylePrescription

Wood Watches by JORD Giveaway

Hey everyone, I have some really exciting news! I’m partnering with JORD Watches for their fall campaign!

I started my Instagram and this blog a few years ago simply as a creative outlet to counter the rigor and demands of medical school. Never did I think that I’d have the opportunity to be working with a company in this capacity!

Even though this post is sponsored by JORD Wood Watches, I only want to work with brands whose products I admire and respect. I’ve seen JORD’s timepieces here and there and secretly had my eye on one for a while… and now I can say I’m a proud owner of a piece from the Frankie series! It’s perfect for the fall and every OOTD you can think of.

If you’d like to get your hands on one, I’m also including a giveaway link (click here to enter)! Winners get $75 off their watch, and everyone gets $20 off just for signing up! The contest will close November 27th at 11:59pm. Both the $75 and the $20 codes will expire on January 1st, 2017.

Being a huge advocate of the #TreatYoSelf movement, I would highly encourage you to look at their collection, especially since the holidays are rolling around. Who knows, I might even treat myself to another one once I finish Step 1 😉 Positive reinforcement.

If you end up getting one, let me know in the comments or hop over to my Instagram page! Happy shopping, and to my fellow students, happy studying!

– TS℞

This post was sponsored by JORD Wood Watches